Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Parsnip soup with Cavolo Nero chips

This is my favourite way to eat parsnips. It's a lovely sweet and creamy soup and it's super easy to make. Parsnips contain compounds in them that are anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and protect against cancer.
They are packed full of vitamins such as vitamin C and B complex groups including folic acid and B6. It's also high in potassium as well as other healthy minerals.
Now on to the Kale chips.
You can find many other dressed up recipe's on the net. This is simple and suites the soup. Kale chips are delicious and so easy to make. I used Cavolo Nero because I grow it in our backyard (so easy to grow) and the flavour of it suits the Parsnip soup but you could use any kind of Kale.

serves 4

Olive oil or Virgin Coconut butter
2 large Onions
6 Parsnips
1 Large Potato peeled
Freshly grated nutmeg (half a whole nutmeg)
Good quality sea salt to taste


Dice onions and cook in oil over medium heat until translucent. Add roughly chopped potato and parsnips, nutmeg and a good pinch of salt. Just cover with water and bring to the boil. Cook until the potato and parsnips are tender.
Let it cool then chuck it all into the blender. Add a little more water if you need to until you have a good, creamy consistency. Season to taste.

For the chips. roughly chop the leaves of a large bunch of washed and dried kale. Very lightly toss in olive oil with a touch of salt. Spread out onto a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake in a pre-heated oven at 150 celsius for about 15 minutes. Keep an eye on them though as they can burn. I took about half out 5 minutes before the rest.

Heat the soup and serve toped with a handful of Kale chips.


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