Monday, August 27, 2012

Flourless Hazelnut Kisses

These are an amazing decadent little treat, that are really just a rustic version (or ugly cousin) of a macaroon. They are comparatively healthy, Gluten free and Dairy free.You can make these without the filling if you like, the biscuits are equally delicious on their own and they do keep for longer. And although there is a few processes involved they are very easy to make.
This recipe uses a small amount of orange zest with I think makes them exceptional. I have a member of my family that hates rind of any kind so I make half the batch with and half without it.  So if you happen to be a rind loather by all means leave it out.


Makes 30-35 individual biscuits and around 15 kisses

200g of raw hazelnuts
2  organic eggs 
pinch of salt
1/2 a vanilla bean seed scraped out
1/2 a cup of raw organic sugar
1 tsp of orange zest


50g of raw hazelnuts
1/2 a cup of cacao
1/2 a cup of organic icing sugar *
4 tbsp of coconut butter

*you can get organic icing sugar that has had less refinement at your local health food store or you could use coconut sugar or agave etc etc instead.



Roast all your hazelnuts (250g) in a hot oven (about 250 degrees celsius) for around 5 minutes, their skins will be darker and cracked. Place them in a clean tea towel and rub their skins off, don't be too concerned if there is a little skin left on them. Take 50g back and set aside for your filling.
Flour your hazelnuts in a blender and set aside. Separate the eggs. Lightly beat the egg yolks, vanilla seeds and orange zest and 2 tbsp of the sugar with a fork and set aside. In a beater beat the egg whites and a pinch of salt on high spread until soft peaks form then beat in the remaining sugar a little at a time until stiff and glossy.
Fold your hazelnut flour into the egg whites and and then your egg yolk mixture until just combined.
Use two teaspoons to form your biscuits onto a baking tray lined with baking paper and cook for 10-15 minutes at 200 degrees celsius.
Cool on a baking tray and fill them they are quite cold.

For the filling first ground the hazelnuts in the blender then add the coconut butter blend for a few seconds more then add your icing sugar and cacao powder whizz for another 20 seconds or so and then place in a bowel in the fridge for 20 mins or so till it thickens a little. Then gently spread on to your biscuit and top with another and voila!


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